Coffideas connects people with sense.

Coffideas is a dynamic meeting method designed to bring people together in solving problems, sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences and perspectives.

We are spreading Coffideas values to the world to help rebuild human to human connections, enchancing human relations in general and build sustainable and learning organisations.

Coffideas - here image - from events - Econverse
Coffideas - here image - from events - Econverse
Coffideas - here image - from events - Warsaw Startup School - Google for Startups
Coffideas - here image - from events - CIC Warsaw
Coffideas - here image - from events - Econverse

The method

Coffideas sessions form three- to four-person interdisciplinary teams, supporting collaboration to achieve the desired outcomes for each team member.

Coffideas is also a renewal of the art of conversation, where we are invited to be present in the relationship happening during tehe session and authentically support and create meaningful connections.

Coffideas is based on a participant selection algorithm that promotes diversity. As a result, participants in Coffideas sessions always experience synergy - they leave with more than what they came for.

Coffideas - the method - photo from central stage during the event
over 1400 participants
60 events
minutes of meetings with sense
challenges and issues addressed

Our values

We believe that the values we share are what bring humanity together.

celebrate someone
else’s success
supporting others' achievements strengthens relationships and creates a more positive environment.
sharing is caring
by giving of ourselves and our resources, we build strong connections and foster a sense of community.
listen, share,
rephrase, create
effective communication involves actively listening, sharing our ideas, and building upon them together.
instead of "yes, but"
say "yes, and"
approaching ideas with a "yes, and" mentality encourages creativity, collaboration, and finding solutions.
helping is learning
by assisting others, we gain new perspectives, develop new skills, and deepen our understanding of the world.
it is ok not to know,
it is not ok not to ask
embracing the fact that we don't have all the answers creates opportunities for learning and growth, as long as we're willing to ask questions.


The solution is ... to implement Coffideas sessions in your organisation as an ongoing process of sharing knowledge, experiences, perspectives and problem-solving in order to increase employee engagement.

Coffideas - the solution - photo from the app for offline meetings
  • Diversity. Diffrents perspectives, experiences and knowledge are the key to success. Coffideas sessions are designed to support diversity and inclusion in your organisation.
  • 15 minutes. Build around 15 minutes, to make sure that eveyone invest the most valuable time in the most efficient way.
  • Global. The method is supported by mobile app for offline/real life meetings and by online platform for remote meetings. To make sure that eveyone in your organisation can participate.
  • A game. We use a method that is based on a game. To engage everyone and make sure that they meet new, interesting people and have fun. Like a best ice breaker ever.


Coffideas solves the problem of building effective collaboration and knowledge exchange in diverse groups. The platform offers a range of benefits for companies, organizations, for-profit institutions and individuals.

Improved communication and collaboration

The platform facilitates the exchange of information and ideas between people with different backgrounds and positions.

Learn more

Greater engagement and motivation

The dynamic format of meetings fosters engagement and motivates participants to participate actively.

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Access to diverse perspectives

Coffideas bring together people from different areas to broaden horizons and discover new ideas.

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Simple queues

The platform builds interdisciplinary and synergistic teams that work together towards a goal.

Learn more

more inovative approach
17% up
higher customer satisfaction
12% up
lower employee rotation
25% down
increase of productivity
21% up

* Gallup's extensive research on employee engagement 2017 / IBM The Global Making Change Work 2008 Study / Tower Watson - 2012 Global Workforce Study / Aon Hewitt's 2012 Trends in Global Employee Engagement

Coffideas for ESG

What if ... Your organisation would be given a tool to build a new routine in organisational culture and a habit of learning from each other, which means, for example, that silos in your organisation would disappear, and besides, you would be able to report metrics of S (ESG) in line with ESRS S1-2 and G1?

Do you want to know how we can make your 2024 ESG reporting easier?
Let's talk

Meet our team


We are building a community. Meet our merit team for community of ambassadors. They help new ambassadors to grow in their roles and support them in their activities.

Join community of our ambassadors.


Coffideas partner logo ${}Coffideas partner logo ${}Coffideas partner logo ${}Coffideas partner logo ${}Coffideas partner logo ${}


Positive Impact Startup 2024

June 2024

We were awarded as the laureate of the Positive Impact Startup 2024 organized by Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego.

Positive Impact Startup 2024 - laureate Coffideas
Kozminski Business Hub


“Coffideas makes completely unknown people enter into deep, sincere conversations that carry real value in minutes. I have seen and experienced many types of structured networking, but none offered such an intense (yet condensed in time) formula for establishing relationships. But it is not just about getting to know each other - the idea and design of Coffideas sessions allows participants to support each other in solving their problems, drawing on the entire spectrum of experiences and viewpoints. During Patronite Forum 2024, we jointly implemented two full Coffideas panels with almost a hundred online creators - their opinions, comments, and experiences nearly coincide entirely with the words outlined above. We strongly recommend and support Coffideas - it is a phenomenal tool for solving problems and building relationships in less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee.”

Testimonial author photoTestimonial author photo

“Networking at conferences often revolves around small talk or business transactions, but Coffideas offers a unique opportunity to gain new perspectives and build genuine connections. At my foundation’s events, Coffideas sessions spark fascinating conversations that continue long after the event. These sessions encourage participants to open up, creating an incredible atmosphere where people feel comfortable sharing and supporting each other. This powerful tool is something everyone should experience to truly appreciate its impact.”

Testimonial author photo

“TeenCrunch is thrilled to commend Coffideas for their exceptional role in hosting our networking session at Rotunda PKO. Their innovative and unique networking method transformed our event, facilitating meaningful interactions across diverse groups—from young participants to seasoned investors. The feedback from attendees was resoundingly positive, highlighting Coffideas' approach as a standout feature that enriched their experience and set our event apart in Poland’s events landscape. Composed of experts and passionate entrepreneurs, the Coffideas team not only excels in their field but also genuinely invests in event community development. We enthusiastically recommend Coffideas and look forward to future collaborations that promise to be just as impactful.”

Testimonial author photo

“Coffideas is a unique format that allows you to meet new people and actively solve a problem together for one of the participants in the discussion. We have included the Coffideas format in the Econverse event agenda for a year now, and networking and satisfaction among participants and guests have never been so high!”

Testimonial author photo

“It is an initiative run by very positive people, simultaneously pulling together very optimistic people who want to share their experiences, perspectives, and, by the way, their problems or questions. It helps to look at a problem from different perspectives and contribute their thoughts.”

Testimonial author photo

“I only attended one session of Coffideas, but that was enough to trigger (and maintain) my positive surprise at how Coffideas works with people. During that meeting, I experienced the lightness and ease with which strangers enter into relationships. The clear and dynamic structure of the session and the reliance on values invite participants to talk, to bring specifics to the conversation, and to actively listen to each other's perspectives. I see Coffideas as a tool for building social dialogue and dialogue with both internal and external stakeholders - within organizations, as well as a way to share knowledge and experiences.”

Testimonial author photo

Want to take part in our event?

Here is the list of upcoming events. Join us and let's have fun together!

* ONLINE events starts after the summer break 👋.
  1. Event organizer photo

    InternetBeta 2024

    Rzeszów (Kielnarowa)
  2. Event organizer photo

    Venture Cafe - Gathering Thursday

    CIC Warsaw
  3. Event organizer photo

    Kozminski University

    Kozminski Universit Warsawa
  4. Event organizer photo

    Premiera ksiązki: 100 Ciekawostek o Kawie

    Aula Szkoły Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej